Sunrise over Mazatlán |
We picked up the anchor and left Ensenada Grande on Isla
Partida on January 10th for the two-night crossing to Mazatlán. The
passage started off with no wind which gradually built...and built and built! Our boat speed was a constant 6 to 6.5 knots so we actually ended up
furling the headsail in order to reduce sail and slow the boat down; we didn't
want to reach Mazatlán in the dark. By the time we reached the entrance
to Marina Mazatlán (right at dawn) we were seeing winds in the high 20's with 2
meter seas on the stern quarter. It was howling! I was a little
concerned when we dropped the sails and Richard told me, "Just don't hit
the rocks!" It's a narrow-ish breakwater entrance to get to the
marinas and with the waves pounding on the breakwater and the presence of a
channel dredger in the channel, well, you can imagine my trepidation of trying
to navigate Osprey through the channel. Anyway, we got into the
channel and the water was very calm so the motor to Mazatlán Marina ended up
being calm.
Marina Mazatlán. |
Richard had called ahead and we were assigned a slip so we just motored
to the marina and tied up. Our slip assignment put us right next to
s/v Code Blue, a boat from Seattle that we had shared a marina with way
back in San Diego. Steve and Judy were not on their boat when we arrived
which was just as well as Richard and I were exhausted from the two-night
passage across the Sea of Cortez. We worked on getting the boat ready for
staying in a marina (taking down lee cloths, snapping on canvas covers outside,
etc.) and went out to get a lay of the land in the marina. Marina
Mazatlán is a decent marina, not new, but adequate. It has a promenade
that circles the marina and is lined with restaurants, condos and the marina
office. There's even a decent-sized supermercado (grocery store) located in the bottom of one of the condo buildings located right at the marina. The marina is located a few miles from the center of town but
there is a bus stop conveniently located right outside of the marina compound.
The bus into the city is cheap and convenient. Only $10 pesos
(about 80 cents) one way and you don't even have to be standing at a bus stop;
just flag a bus down when you see one and hop on...try that in Seattle!
Typical street in Mazatlán...no street signs. |
My first adventure into the city involved trying to find a watch repair
shop. While hiking on Isla Partida, I lost my footing and slid a bit and
somehow I must have hit my watch on the ground and the pin that holds the watch
band on popped out. With only an address in hand and no working Spanish,
I hoped on the bus, paid my $10 pesos and hoped for the best.
The bus went through the center of the zona dorada (golden zone, which is the term used to describe the tourist zone), parts of Old Mazatlán, and then out to the ferry and cruise ship terminal. Hmm? I was told that this was the end of the line and that I had to get off of the bus. Luckily, there was another bus driver who spoke some English so I handed him the slip of paper with the address written down on it and he instructed me to get on another bus and then he told that bus driver where to have me get off of the bus. Success! I now found myself on the right street...but where was this shop? Mexico has an unwritten rule that outlaws the use of street signs (or so it appears to me). And as a sub-section of that same rule are two other rules that go as follows: (1) streets should change names every few blocks or so, and (2) street numbers do not necessarily have to be in numeric order. To a sleep deprived sailor, these did not instill confidence in my already shaky confidence of finding the shop. In the end, I found the shop (located down a maze of alleys and looking more like a "curiosity" shop than a watch repair place) and could now tell time again in Mexico.
We have been going into the city each day and doing the tourist stuff
which is one way of saying that there are not many boat projects that need to
be attended to, while at the same time, there are boat projects that need to be
attended to (there always are!). The water from the dock is not potable
so we had to order water to be delivered to our boat. We also had to
"pickle" our water maker as we wouldn't be using it for some time to
come and didn't want all of the filters to be overgrown with algae and other
organic crud.
View from El Faro (the lighthouse). |
But back to the tourists stuff. Richard and I hiked to the top of
El Faro (the lighthouse), which is listed as the second highest lighthouse in
the world (right after the one in Gibraltar). The views from the top of
the lighthouse were spectacular and gave you a sense of the lay of the land.
Gazing westward was the expanse of the Pacific Ocean for thousands of
miles. Truly awe-inspiring when I contemplated that in a few months we
would be bridging that expanse with a trip to the South Pacific in search of
other tropical locations.
We also walked through the central mercado a few times (who
can get enough of seeing pig heads in the meat cases? I can't!) and
checked out the cathedral in the center of the Old Town and ventured into
Plazuela Machado, a tree lined park fringed by small restaurants and cafes.
With all the ironwork on the restored buildings, Plazuela Machado almost
feels like a quiet square in New Orleans. Almost.
Plazuela Machado. |
Next to Plazuela Machado are a couple of museums that we took in while
strolling around the Old Town. It's hard not to take in these cultural
experiences as the admissions prices are far lower than what one would expect
to pay for a similar museum in the States.
After our museum hopping, we
ambled back to Plazuela Machado and sat at an outdoor cafe having tea in the
early afternoon watching workers decorate the palm trees and the gazebo for the
upcoming Carnivale festival that was just around the corner. Mazatlán boasts the largest Carnivale event in all of Mexico and in addition to decorating the plazuela, workers were also busy stringing lights in all of the little alleyways and erecting statues along the malécon. It looks like there is going to be a big party here in a few weeks.
Marina Mazatlán. |
On our last night in Mazatlán, we had dinner with Carolyn
("CJ") from s/v Shannon. CJ and her partner, Kat are from
Vancouver Island and sailed down to mainland Mexico to escape the Pacific
Northwest winter. CJ is a great storyteller and the three of us enjoyed a
very relaxing dinner in the marina before heading back to our boats.
In the morning, we said goodbye to Judy and Steve on s/v Code
Blue and CJ on s/v Shannon, untied our lines and headed out of the marina
for points further south. Our tentative plan in to stop in Chacala and
Punta de Mita before heading into Banderas Bay and Marina Riviera Nayarit in La
Cruz de Huanacaxtle ("La Cruz").
Bonus pictures from our time in Mazatlán...
Plazuela Machado. |
The cathedral. |
El Faro. |
Richard contemplates a sidewalk in Mexico. |
Happy Hogs in the central market. |
Inside the central market. |
Statues erected for Carnivale. |
Sadly, no brewery tours. |